Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Because I know Just How much YOU care

August 23 - September 22
December 2009

The start of your holiday season could resemble a soft-focus Hallmark card, with smiling relatives, festive decorations and seasonal joy. Or, it could be a hotbed of family tension come ‘round for holiday healing. The Sun is in Sagittarius, your home and family sector, until Dec 21st. Harmonious diplomat Venus is in Sagittarius from December 2nd-30th, weaving a wreath of olive branches. If there can’t be peace on earth, let there be peace at your hearth.

Relationships with women are highlighted, so gather your favorite goddesses for cocktails or an intimate dinner party. You’re a consummate hostess and a world-class gifter (just don’t drive yourself mad hunting the “perfect” presents). Have everyone share her gratitude for 2009 and wishes for the year ahead. You’ve got a lot to celebrate since Saturn left Virgo on October 29th, ending a trying two-year cycle.

After the 21st, someone else will want to bask in your glow. The Sun enters Capricorn, your fifth house of romance and fun. Buy yourself a risqué, decadent New Year’s Eve outfit and get thee to the ball. Astrologers’ orders: no sitting home in sweatpants, sipping Cold Duck and munching table water crackers. We know you’re “fine” being alone—but you deserve more than fine. You deserve fabulous….and it’s waiting for you.

Fasten your seatbelt—unexpected action ahead. On December 1st, Uranus (the planet of surprises) powers forward in your relationship house, whetting your appetite for freedom. You need wide-open spaces (how funny i just updated my dixie chick on my ipod), adventure and a spicy dash of the unexpected. Break out of your comfort zone and take a chance. Single Virgos still repeating the tired excuse of “I’m not ready”…well, we recommend you do a little alchemy at the December 2nd full moon. Transmute that lead weight of resignation into gold. Some of this is related to your father or an important male figure whom you’re still grieving, and it’s time to let go. Repeat after us, “I’m a magnificent creature, ready to be adored right now.” Mid-January, lucky Jupiter begins a yearlong expansion in your relationship house. Good things are on their way!

If you’re itching for personal space, that’s fine—just don’t cook up some rebellious prison break or incite drama instead of being direct. Honest communication with a partner will get you instant breathing room. Don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings by voicing your need for independence. With love-planet Venus in your feminine fourth house, you need to reclaim your inner siren. Enjoy the company of women who are comfortable in their feminine power. Allow them to nurture and inspire you. Take a girls’ trip and enjoy spa treatments or holiday shopping.

On the 21st, the Sun moves into Capricorn, your fifth house of true romance. By New Year’s Eve, four planets pile up in this sign, including romantic Venus. 2009 ends with a lunar eclipse in your friendship and social activity sector—a powerful night for you to meet a new love interest (or get closer to yours) at a celebration. Chemistry that’s been building since the summer could burst into passionate flames. A best friend could add a “benefits” package. Talk about a year-end bonus!

Diligence finally pays off on December 2nd, when the Gemini full moon beams into your career sector. For the last six months, you’ve worked hard to establish your niche or find your true path. Now, you may be invited to take a leadership position or receive honors for your work. On the other hand, a chapter of your career may have reached a natural conclusion. The exploration is done, you got the lessons you needed, and it’s time to start on a clean page.

For some Virgos, old authority issues linking back to your father or a dominating male could rear up. An office showdown will only burn bridges. If you must, role play your rage with a friend before firing off that angry email. Heed the old saying: “The best letter I ever wrote is the one I regret sending.”

You’ve got an introverted side, but since July, you’ve been working on opening up to a group or forging closer friendships. On December 31st, the lunar eclipse brings this all to a peak. A New Year’s Eve party could morph into a networking bonanza, quite without notice. This lunar eclipse also thrusts you into a more meaningful chapter of your work life. You could suddenly feel the firm conviction that your career MUST be tied to your spiritual values and ideals. (Look back to any epiphanies or awakenings you had in July.) Your path could involve connecting people through technology and in-person gatherings, perhaps around a specific humanitarian cause.

Lucky Jupiter spends its last month in Aquarius, your health and fitness sector, where it’s been since January. This year, Jupiter introduced a new approach to self-care. You may have adopted a holistic or “green” lifestyle, or kicked an old habit. For the first three weeks of December, you crave comfort, but that doesn’t mean you have to backslide or binge on holiday sweets. Tune into your body with yoga, Pilates, or more flowy, dance-inspired exercises like Nia.

Structured Saturn is now in Libra, your second house of daily routine. Take a look at your total lifestyle, as you create 2010 resolutions. Phase out activities and habits that don’t serve your greater goals. Simplify your life and organize your time around the three to five top priorities. Choose quality over quantity. You need regular time for beauty, pampering and pleasure.

Lucky Days: December 9, 28
Money Days: December 2, 30
Love Days: December 22, 31
Off Days: December 7, 25

- Horoscopes provided by The AstroTwins

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